Blogs > Kosmo Seer Speculation

High school sports quick hits from Kosmo the all-knowing Oakland Press seer.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanks a lot Country Day and Lake Orion

Well, football season is offically over, but before Kosmo turns the page to basketball season, he just has to give one big thank you to Birmingham Detroit Country Day and Lake Orion's football teams.
Kosmo was paranoid at the start of the playoffs that there wouldn't be one Oakland County team in the state football finals, but the Yellowjackets and Dragons thankfully stepped up and got to Ford Field, making it an exciting week for their communities and the K-Man.
Even in defeat, both represented well. What could Country Day do about Holland Christian quarterback A.J. Westendorp? His performance was arguably the greatest by a quarterback in state history, so there's no shame in tipping your cap to a better player.
As for Lake Orion, it was quite a scene on TV with the entire Lake Orion side full of people. You probably could've robbed a bank in Lake Orion on Saturday afternoon with the amount of people at the game.
The Dragons didn't play their best game in their loss to Rockford, but it was about time either Lake Orion or Clarkston got there.
Well done and hopefully both can get back to Ford Field next year. On to basketball!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, a BIG Thank you to the 2008 Lake Orion Dragon Football team, I have lived here for 12 years with no one in the Lake Orion sports program but I attend the football(all) basketball and lacrosse games. The excitement this state final presented to Lake Orion is immeasurable. My family and I attended along with friends and not one has a child in the sports program, but we wanted to show our spirit and pride in LOHS. Congratulations Coach Bell and your team for a remarkable season that will not be forgotten. Go Green!

December 2, 2008 at 4:04 AM 

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