Blogs > Kosmo Seer Speculation

High school sports quick hits from Kosmo the all-knowing Oakland Press seer.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

An old tired argument

The state football finals have arrived, and Kosmo can hear the shouting from people with Catholic League powers Novi Detroit Catholic Central, Birmingham Brother Rice and Orchard Lake St. Mary's have advanced to the championship games in their respective divisions.
"There needs to be a separate football tournament for private and public schools!"
Please. Those who feel that way need to grow up.
First of all, public schools recruit now just as much private schools with open enrollment.
Second, people will probably be shocked to know that six of the last seven state championships in Division 1 have been won by public schools. In Division 2, Brother Rice's titles in 2000 and 2005 were the only times a non-public school won championships in that Division. Otherwise, it's been all public schools. Since the playoffs expanded to eight Divisions in 1999, no private school has won a title in Division 3.
Maybe people are right. There should be separate tournmaments because public schools have been too dominant.
In addition, how often would people be saying during a given season that "Wow, it'd be nice of Lowell and Brother Rice played to see who was really the best in Division 2, or if Catholic Central and Rockford could play in the Division 1 semifinals or finals. Too bad there are separate tournaments."
It'd be like following college football and not seeing LSU play Alabama.
Having separate playoffs for private and public schools is a ridiculous idea, and it's too bad it's nonsense Kosmo has to hear all week with Catholic Central, Brother Rice and St. Mary's playing for titles.


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