Blogs > Kosmo Seer Speculation

High school sports quick hits from Kosmo the all-knowing Oakland Press seer.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Kudos to those who played

Even though there was barely any snow that fell to the ground last Friday, many school districts canceled school because it was "too cold." Sorry, but Kosmo never had school called off when he was a youngster, he just wore lots of layers while waiting for the bus. Anyway, that's another argument for another time.
Regardless, the K-Man was happy to see that many schools still decided to play basketball games. There are some school districts that have policies in place where games can't be played if there isn't school, but many bent that rule on Friday, which was a good call in Kosmo's view. There wasn't any problem with the roads, so getting to games wasn't an issue for teams and parents. Gym space and time is cramped enough as it is in the winter, so forcing teams to re-schedule another game would've been a major hassle, if possible at all. Good job, whoever played on Friday


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